Saturday, January 30, 2010

Separation Anxiety And Night Waking 7 Month Old, Separation Anxiety, Night Waking?

7 month old, separation anxiety, night waking? - separation anxiety and night waking

Has anyone tips to help my baby learn to sleep well? be used as the big I woke up in the nursery and had no problems. She has major separation anxiety, she only wants his father (or, but only if I'm not there) that Crys hear if anyone else has, etc. .. I can with this business, but canceled the night of his extensive,
I try to wait 15-20 minutes to see if she goes to sleep, generally have not. You will go and hug and went to bed. Other than that looks good, no fever, teeth, dirty diapers, etc. .. given any thought other than "Cry It Out" method to sleep without me?
I could try an element of comfort, but I think I'm Afrad remain trapped in it.


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